Tuesday, February 19, 2013

she's a New age girl

So, I am not Irish, but my house has a big shamrock on the door and I am planning to make a split pea centerpiece to celebrate an Irish saint.  I am also not Catholic but I love giving things up for Lent! I always have, it is fun to see what you can live without, an exercise in self discipline, and even more-so since I know no one but me cares if I stick with it.  So this year my new years resolution was a vague "be more healthy" and I started by limiting how much pop I drink and what I eat.  So for Lent I decided NO MORE POP! and  wonderful GF gave up meat.  HMM kinda a two-for there. since she has given it up I am now eating a lot less, since we shop for,  cook and eat dinner together.  This should be interesting!

We normally try to eat at least one vegetarian recipe per week but GF doesn't like pasta very much, especially sans meat, and I don't like beans. so we focus on mushrooms a lot of the time. but 40 days is a lot of mushrooms. lol.

In non Lent related news, We are building a retaining wall around the front garden bed.  We are doing this for many reasons.  1. It will be pretty/increase curb appeal. 2. It will actually retain the dirt and mulch that seem to love to cover the sidewalk and 3. b/c Maya likes to pee right there. GROSS. She doesn't get that my garden is a bad choice.... so hopefully this will stop that!  We went to Home Depot and picked out the pavers but had no clue they weigh so much (20lbs each!) so we only got 22 to start (we need about 100 total) since we drive a regular little four door car.  and are not super tough. I am thinking this project will be bigger than I imagined but seeing how nice the pavers look with just the one layer, sitting there (eventually it will have 4 layers and they will be level.. eventually...) I think it will be well worth it!

I also got (with my tax refund of course, tis the season right?) a cast iron dutch oven (summer campfires look out!), cedar shims (for an awesome DIY Sunburst mirror project I have planned.), and reed fencing    (for potato towers and to cover an ugly chain link fence. ) so I have lots of good things in the works...  if the snow will ever stop.  :(

** bonus points  if you are wondering.... yes the title of today's blog IS a reference to the 90's one hit wonder song..

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