Friday, March 2, 2012

Spring may not have officially Sprung but....

... it is finally march and I got my first new straw bale today! (only 13 more to go! lol) My wonderful girlfriend brought me home some cardboard and I will be laying it down  and placing the first bale today. My goal is to get 5 of them and a few cubic yards of topsoil by the 17th when I intend to plant potatoes and onions. Since these are root veggies they don't do very well IN the bales so I designed the layout to create a hole that is almost 3ftx3ft( and  about 14" deep) to fill with clean topsoil in which to grown them. In previous years we had a root veggie garden  but it was even closer to the dreaded walnuts and the root veggies did not do well (onions the size of quarters anyone?) Not to mention the voles and the groundhog from hell and our puppy Maya who loved to dig up the treasures...we tried carrots and WOW those only got about the size of a tooth pick and Maya LOVES carrots so it was a total flop. Not sure if I will have everything in place but... that is the goal. On the 17th we also plan to put the peas in the back bales (direct sow).

In other gardening news I got a seed catalog in the mail to day and am pouring over it! Add that to the fact that it was nice enough this morning for me to clean up the front flower beds and it really feels like spring is here! (thank you winter that wasn't!). I'm gonna pause right now for some sustenance and then I will post more, including pictures!

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