So I haven't blogged in a bit b/c we had a medical crisis. My wonderful girlfriend had a severe asthma exacerbation - basically she had an asthma attack that lasted for three days despite treatment and had to be hospitalized. It was terrifying, but she is ok now. Needless to say this put my garden on a back burner. I did get the peas in the "ground" (back straw bales) on the 18th (she was hospitalized on (Saturday) the 17th) but not in the way I would have wanted (I had to get them in since I had soaked them in water and wasn't sure what would happen if they stayed in the water too long... and then since I had no topsoil, or compost or time to get any, I had to use some potting soil I had gotten to start seeds with) and finally put the potatoes and onion in on (Friday) the 23rd (she was released on (Wednesday) the 21st and I took off Thursday and Friday to be with her). Our weather here has been so weird that I think the delay worked out. The weather was so warm/hot, then it cooled off and it was probably better to not plant when it was really hot and dry.
I took some pictures Of what I managed to get done and of how far the beds have come with our early summer like weather, and would have posted them, but as luck would have it while my wonderful girlfriend was hospitalized, we had a bad storm that took out our computer monitor! I am assuming it was a mild lightening strike, but we didn't notice, it until she was released and at that time were unable to tell if it was the monitor or the comp itself, so we had her brother come look at it and hook up a new monitor. Yeah if bad luck grew on trees I could consider myself a master gardener!
Well all that being said, the potatoes and onions are in, no sign of growth yet, but I'm sure they will pop up soon. I bought top soil and humus at a ratio of 3:1 totaling 320lbs. (and I had to load and carry it all by myself!) and filled the hole in bales, then I added the seed potatoes and onion sets (both red and both $3 from Walmart) I bought some more seed starting potting soil, and started some of the seeds I had saved, (I saved some hot banana peppers, hot cherry peppers, bell peppers and some I just labeled "salsa mix", zucchini, and some tomatoes -mainly slicing and cherry, and will start the rest today). I normally do not do well with seed starting, mainly b/c our house is too cold and I do not have a proper seeding area b/c the cats love to eat the seedlings so I have to hide them away so I don't hold out too much hope for these seeds, but i just can't stop myself from trying... Due to this, and the fact that the bales do best with well established plants, as opposed to smaller seedlings, we are planning on buying most of the plants from a local annual plant sale that is held on Memorial Day weekend (when we plan on planting).
and now for PICTURES!
Azalea- hasn't died, despite the walnuts! |
Violas, Sedums and Grape Hyacinths |
Red Raspberries |
Red Potatoes and Red Onions |
Widows tears |
Seed Starting |
Christmas Cactus, loving being outside again! |
Veronica |
Coral Bells |